The Power of Experience

Önercan Kılıç

Senior Associate


– Dispute Resolution
– Litigation
– Mediation
– Employment Law
– Sports Law



– LLB,Bilkent University

-LLM, Instituto Superior Derecho y Economia


Istanbul Bar Association


Önercan Kılıç

Senior Associate

Önercan Kılıç is a Senior Associate in the Employment department. He focuses on employment and labour law consultancy, mediation and litigation representing clients in both judicial and administrative proceedings. Önercan also has a specialty in sports law.

Onercan is highly experienced with hands on  expertise of Trade Union and Collective Bargaining Agreements Law, having represented clients from different sectors in various CBA proccesses. This is vital in Türkiye and the vast manufacturing sector. 

After completing his postgraduate studies in the field of International Sports Law at ISDE (Instituto Superior Derecho y Economia) in Madrid, he worked in the legal department of the European Leagues Association (European Leagues), one of the main stakeholders of European Football. There, he provided legal consultancy to member leagues such as distribution of wealth between National Leagues and Federations, legislative proposals before FIFA and UEFA and Social Dialogue between UEFA and EU.